9 WWE Champions You Didn't Care Enough To Hate

3. Jinder Mahal

Great Khali World Heavyweight Champion

The tragic thing about the Jinder Mahal debacle is that, for all his limitations, he is a serviceable performer who has made serious gains in terms of both ring and mic ability in the time since he was elevated to the main event earlier this year.

What was lacking was simply genuine build-up and a reason for all of us to care about him - problems, in other words, that were totally, 100% of the creative team's making.

Few other wrestlers in history, in fact, have gone from playing jobber to holding the WWE Championship in the space of a month. The quickness with which he achieved it just felt wrong; as though the wrestling rule-book had been thrown out the window in the aid of a shameless cash-grab.

This could change in the months ahead as the Modern Day Maharaja moves into what could be a long-term championship pursuit involving AJ Styles (the type of which they should have orchestrated six months ago) - but attitudes are difficult to shift. The damage unfortunately may be done already.
