9 WWE Gimmicks That Are Totally DEAD

8. Madcap Moss = Dad Joke Machine

Viking Raiders

WWE used the 2023 Draft as an excuse to quietly rename Madcap Moss back to Riddick Moss and act like nothing had happened. Then, the cheeky blighters had the temerity to relegate Moss to company wasteland Main Event. No, no that is not a good thing. Like, at all.

It's actually bloody rubbish.

Cast your minds back to Madcap's turn on Baron Corbin and very, very short-lived singles push. The guy seemed to have some momentum behind him, but it didn't last; he must've donned a comedic big nose around Triple H backstage or sneezed in front of Vince McMahon.

Sure, Madcap was on life support as a character for a while before it was axed, but you’d think creative would plot something (anything!) else before bothering to change his name. A real-life romance with Emma coming to TV hasn't exactly lit the touch paper on either's career.

There must be a ton of frustration in that household, and rightly so.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.