AJ Lee's 10 Best WWE Moments

4. Returning To Defeat Paige

On the night after Wrestlemania 30, inaugural NXT Women's Champion Paige made her main roster debut, challenging Divas Champion AJ Lee to a title match there and then. Paige came out victorious, and it emerged that AJ had asked WWE for some time off after that, taking her off TV for a couple of months. On June 30th, AJ returned to a huge reception, demanding a rematch with the arrogant Paige, which she then won. AJ and Paige embarked on a long rivalry across the rest of 2014, with the title changing hands another couple of times and several pay-per-view matches between the two of them. AJ's return had been long awaited, and as Paige's character had developed from confident rookie to arrogant champion, it was important to have an established competitor ready to knock her down a few pegs, which AJ did. The storyline might not have always been too reliable, but the matches that the two women put on were always good enough to make up for it.
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AJ Lee
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