All 33 June WWE PPV Main Events Ranked From Worst To Best

27. Vengeance: Night Of Champions (Cena Vs. Lashley Vs. Orton Vs. Foley Vs. Booker)

Triple H Batista

Vengeance 2007 took place the weekend of the Benoit tragedy. It’s a shame that’s what this show will be remembered for, because in a better world, it would be remembered for being a complete piece of cr*p on its own.

Most disappointing is the five-way match for the WWE championship.

You would think having five competitors of varying skills and movesets would allow a quick, exciting pace, but instead, it makes it an over-produced mess where none of the guys mesh well or do anything remotely interesting. And by 2007, Mick Foley wrestling is just hard to watch. The dude hobbles around like an injured war veteran, and you cringe every time he takes a bump. Most morbid of all is the finish, in which Orton punts Foley in the head in an effort to give him brain damage.

Again, the was the weekend the Benoit tragedy occurred. This show and this match just give you an icky feeling.


A mystery wrapped in an enigma wrapped in bacon wrapped in wrestling listicles wrapped in tin foil wrapped in seaweed wrapped in gak.