All 33 June WWE PPV Main Events Ranked From Worst To Best

28. Capitol Punishment (John Cena vs. R-Truth)

Triple H Batista

The fact that R-Truth once main-evented a PPV is an oft-cited bit of trivia brought up for the purpose of comedy, since nowadays, Truth is so low on the totem pole.

However, his character work around this time as a heel on the verge of a mental breakdown is brilliant stuff, and shows how good he is at connecting with a crowd. R-Truth could have been a fairly reliable upper-midcard heel. A shame, then, that his major opportunity, a match with John Cena for the WWE Championship, is so unbelievably boring.

Whatever or whoever factors into why, Cena and Truth just have no chemistry in the ring, and thus, they resort to a having a formulaic match. Truth beats on Cena for ten minutes, Cena then has a no-sell comeback, Truth cuts him off, Cena kicks out at 2 to Truth’s signatures, other wackiness occurs, AA, #LolCenaWins, and everyone goes home.

This match is mainly forgotten because it occurs right before Cena’s feud with CM Punk, but really, it would have been forgotten regardless. Just a waste of time.


A mystery wrapped in an enigma wrapped in bacon wrapped in wrestling listicles wrapped in tin foil wrapped in seaweed wrapped in gak.