Brock Lesnar's 10 Most Vicious Matches

2. Brock Lesnar vs. John Cena - SummerSlam 2014

brock lesnar john cena summerslam 2014

SummerSlam 2014 was the most lop-sided main event in the history of WWE pay-per-views, and the victim of the beating was John Cena of all people.

While it wasn’t named at this event, this is truly where Suplex City began. Lesnar hit an incredible 16 German Suplexes, as well as a pair of F-5s on the face of the company, basically folding him in half. What made things so striking was how little offense Lesnar sold for Cena.

Nothing Cena could do could keep The Beast down for more than a couple seconds. It was like Superman vs. Doomsday. This wasn’t just revenge on Cena from their match two years earlier, this was Lesnar making a statement to the rest of the WWE locker room.

It was more of a massive beating than a match, but it was something that fans watching may never forget.

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Brock Lesnar
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