Brock Lesnar's 10 Most Vicious Matches

1. Brock Lesnar vs. The Undertaker - No Mercy 2002

undertaker blood hell in a cell lesnar

No Mercy 2002 has one of the best pay-per-view openings of all time.

Taker was sitting in the locker room with his busted hand, while also dealing with Paul Heyman’s mind games, and Brock harassing his wife. His brother Kane was having troubles of his own, as Triple H had just accused him of being a murderer.

Kane sat next to his brother, paused for a moment and in a deadpan delivery asked “So. how was your week?” By the end of the night, though, no one was laughing.

While Brock made Randy Orton bleed at the end of his match at SummerSlam, Taker vs. Lesnar at No Mercy 2002 was a virtual bloodbath.

Taker had a cast on his arm due to the storyline injury, but he used it to his advantage, as he pummeled Lesnar’s head, re-opening a wound he’d caused on SmackDown a few days earlier.

Lesnar got some payback for, though, by tying up Taker’s hand to the cage and blasting it with a chair six time, before ripping off the cast. Even Paul Heyman got in on the fun as he bled too from OUTSIDE the cage.

You won't see anything like this in WWE these days, as crazy bleeding is highly frowned upon. But if you're in the mood for a little carnage, Brock and Taker at No Mercy is sure lift your spirits.

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Brock Lesnar
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