Brock Lesnar's 10 Most Vicious Matches

7. Brock Lesnar Vs. Big Show Vs. Kurt Angle - Vengeance 2003

Brock Lesnar Kurt Angle

As well as Brock worked with Big Show, he was even better with Kurt Angle, so a main event pay-per-view match with the three of them ended up being a great and vicious affair.

Just a few minutes into the match, Lesnar connected with an F-5 on Angle, followed by an impressive looking one on Big Show. He later hit an even more impressive move on Show with a running powerbomb.

The two smaller stars (in comparison to Show) took turns blasting blasting the giant over the head with a trashcan lid. But it was Brock taking a chairshot to the back, followed by a highly dangerous one to the head, that really made this match a vicious affair.

Angle went on a tear in the match with his chair, and connected with an Angle Slam through the Spanish announce table on Show. All three men were badly beaten and exhausted.

Near the finish, Brock and Angle, both on their knees in the middle of the ring, were bloodied, but determined to win. Angle hit a German Suplex followed by a crazy inside-out German Suplex on Lesnar, to gain control and later the win.

Brock didn’t come out on the winning side on this one, but all three men put in a hell of an effort, delivering a great pay-per-view main event.

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Brock Lesnar
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