Brock Lesnar's 10 Most Vicious Matches

6. Brock Lesnar Vs. The Undertaker - Unforgiven 2002

Brock Lesnar Undertaker Unforgiven 2002 ending

Just to think, only five few months after Taker had one of the lamest main events of the 2000s against Hulk Hogan at Judgment Day, a feud with Brock Lesnar saw his career re-ignited once again.

At Unforgiven 2002, the two monsters had their first big battle, and while it was was filled with a lot of outside nonsense like ref bumps and interference by Matt Hardy, it was still a great brawl.

What made the match so vicious was that it contained one of the most brutal chairshots ever seen in the company. Taker stole a chair from Lesnar, then blasted him over the head with it multiple times. The first shot, though, bent the chair in an angle that didn’t seem physically possible.

It was a wild affair, with Lenar busted open for the first time in his career, and Heyman getting decked into the crowd. It’s far from Taker and Brock's most classic bout, but it’s a hidden gem, and would probably be better remembered if the DQ ending wasn’t so awful.

Post-match was a blast, though, as Taker threw Brock through the Unforgiven sign on the stage, then turned around and walked away like a badass as the show went off air.

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Brock Lesnar
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