Brock Lesnar's 10 Most Vicious Matches

4. Brock Lesnar Vs. CM Punk - SummerSlam 2013

CM Punk Brock Lesnar SummerSlam 2013

Don’t let the ridiculous poster of SummerSlam 2013 of WWE superstars on a roller coaster having a good time fool you, as the night contained one hell of a vicious match in The Best vs. The Beast.

CM Punk had just been turned face after his pairing with Paul Heyman came to a painful end, with the manager costing his client the Money in the Bank contract. Lucky for Heyman, he had another client by his side. Unlucky for Punk, that client was, of course, Lesnar.

The last we’d seen Brock in the ring, it was against Triple H in a series of lackluster matches. The COO just couldn’t work an aggressive enough style that complimented the former UFC Champ. However, despite the big size difference, Punk was able to hang with him, and together they delivered one of the year’s best matches.

It was a no DQ battle, which may sound exceptionally brutal, but it was really the only way Punk could pull off a win. The Straight Edge Superstar mainly relied on quick knee strikes to keep Lesnar down. While he was successful at times, he spent most of the match taking one hell of a beating.

Heyman shouted for Punk to stay down. Perhaps in one last bit of compassion for his former friend. But Punk, of course, didn't listen and was finally put away with an F-5 onto a chair. It's a shame we'll likely never see a rematch.

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Brock Lesnar
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