Camp WWE: 17 WTF Moments From Episode 2

4. Ric Flair Has No Pubes

ric flair wtf

In case you ever wondered about Ric Flair's pubic hair (for some reason), here's your answer.

As The Rock rests up in the first aid cabin after being attacked at the strip club (thanks to Ric starting a fight), he regales Rock with a tale from the 1970s, where "everybody was covered in hair, and it was awesome...until the night I fell asleep ironing a blanket, my thatch caught on fire, and so it was all gone."

Flair then tells Rock that he gave up on life without pubes, but after having a whole morning without sex, he managed to find himself again, with the help of a prostitute who said that his junk looked even bigger without hair.

So, yeah, that happened.

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Ric Flair
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