CM Punk: 10 Angles For An Epic WrestleMania 30 Return

5. Revenge On Brock Lesnar

The other unresolved gripe CM Punk has is with Brock Lesnar. The pair clashed at SummerSlam, with Lesnar picking up the win thanks to Paul Heyman's interference. Imagine this scenario at WrestleMania, Lesnar is about to get another win thanks to Heyman's involvement. Undertaker looks done for. All of a sudden Punk's music hits, to the loudest pop ever. As the straight edge star appears on the stage, Lesnar forgets all about Undertaker. Punk has returned to save Taker from the fate he suffered at SummerSlam, and to take revenge on the Beast. With the referee down, Punk runs to the ring and batters Lesnar to a chorus of cheers. Undertaker recovers and hits the tombstone, continuing the streak with the help of the hottest return angle ever. The other piece of value WWE gets from this is they then have a red-hot main event for Extreme Rules, CM Punk vs Brock Lesnar.
WWE Writer

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