CM Punk’s WWE Return: 10 Nightmares That Could Come True

6. WWE Books Another Screwjob

CM Punk Triple H WWE

It's true that Vince McMahon has less say in WWE business than before, but he's like the little red devil constantly popping up on Triple H's shoulder. Although 'The Game' has creative say, it's fanciful to imagine he doesn't privately seek advice from his father-in-law at least every now and then.

Montreal Screwjob rip off part 8,776 incoming then, baby.

Publicly, Hunter has told the press how he and CM Punk squashed their remaining beef recently. That might be true, but there's still business to do, and every personal issue is ripe for storyline use. So, imagine a world in which Trips screws Punk out of a title like Vinnie Mac did (for real) to Bret Hart back in 1997.

No, nobody actually wants that. Yes, most would prefer that the screwjob trope was put to bed without supper permanently. WWE loves it though, and there's always a slight chance they'll go for broke with another version of an overplayed classic.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.