Daniel Bryan's 10 Best Matches

3. Bryan Danielson vs. Takeshi Morishima (August 25, 2007)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qcVL3DJ6GVs Morishima was the Ring Of Honor World Champion heading into Manhattan Mayhem II at New York City's Manhattan Center. With the physically large Morishima on one side of the ring, this match up was not expected to be a technical masterpiece as much as it would be an all out physical brawl. Unfortunately for Bryan, one of the reasons that this match is so memorable is because of the very real physical abuse and injury he worked through. Early on, Bryan was hit in the eye by Morishima so hard that he legitimately suffered a detached retina (the video above is Bryan describing this, with clips from the match intertwined, while wearing a patch over his eye). Knowing the physical condition that Bryan was in as he worked, it makes it all the more amazing when you see him take a release German suplex that sent him flying nearly halfway across the ring. The finish saw Morishima hitting the back drop driver to retain his ROH World Championship.
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Ryan is a sports fanatic, technology junkie, and avid gamer.