Dream Casting Netflix's Hulk Hogan Movie
7. The Iron Sheik - Farshad Farahat

While Rusev wants the role and there was a mini wave of support for him as The Iron Sheik, he's a character who would require two things, predominantly. Firstly, a racially sensitive casting (which Netflix might be more inclined to think is important than WWE given some of their past issues) and someone who can legitimately act.
It's actually a shame that Sheik is now too old to convincingly play himself, because his gimmick is one probably best left to himself, but unless Netflix are willing to spunk a fair amount on de-ageing technology, let's just recast.
Iranian-American actor Farshad Farahat - who was brilliant in a very small but very key role in Argo opposite Ben Affleck - would be a great shout in terms of both metrics and it would suit the project that he's comparatively lesser known.