Edge: Ranking Every WWE WrestleMania Match Ranked Worst To Best

10. Edge VS John Cena VS Big Show - World Title Match (WrestleMania 25)

Edge 2010 Royal Rumble

Just to reiterate, there has never been a truly terrible Edge match at WrestleMania, just a few that undersell his talent as a performer.

For whatever reason, WWE saw fit to centre a World HeavyWeight title match at WrestleMania around an awkward love story involving Big Show, and Edge's kayfabe girlfriend at the time, Vickie Guerrero... with John Cena on the periphery playing the blackmail card because he was er, booked to win the belt.

Not exactly the ideal build up.

The match itself was okay. All three athletes were on good form, and it's always fun to see Big Show in the title mix, but with comedic romance values taking centre stage, there was only so far on the intensity scale that this could go. Keep in mind that this event took place after a series of WrestleManias where the R-Rated Superstar did nothing less than tear the roof off, so to call this one anticlimactic would be an understatement!

As a Championship win for John Cena, it wasn't particularly credible either.

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Writer, proud father and also chimp. Plus I talk music at Everythingisnoise.net