Edge: Ranking Every WWE WrestleMania Match Ranked Worst To Best

9. Money In The Bank Ladder Match - WrestleMania 23

Edge 2010 Royal Rumble

This gets an honourable mention and big praise, as it was a solid all-rounder, and on technical grounds, was mostly superior to the Money In The Bank Ladder match of 2005. Every athlete had their moment, the stakes were high, and the carnage was exquisite. It also contained an eclectic mix of in-ring veterans and up-and-comers. It really helped solidly the MITB format as a long-term keeper for WWE.

It ranks low because when you centre it solely around Edge, there isn't a great deal going on. He enters the fray in sterling fashion, but halfway in, receives a high-flying leg drop from Jeff hardy through a ladder, which puts both athletes out of the picture for the rest of the match.

Other than getting stretchered out, and busting open CM Punk with a pint-sized stepper, Edge had little to with the overall dynamic. A little deflating when he was one of the pioneering superstars of ladder matches. It may be of some comfort that he bagged the briefcase on an episode of Raw not long after WrestleMania, anyhow.

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Writer, proud father and also chimp. Plus I talk music at Everythingisnoise.net