Edge: Ranking Every WWE WrestleMania Match Ranked Worst To Best

8. Edge VS Booker T - WrestleMania 18 (2002)

Edge 2010 Royal Rumble

In 2002, the game had changed completely for Edge, as he had moved on from tag team life, and was now embarking on a sturdy career as a singles competitor. This was his first WrestleMania under that new persona, and Booker T turned out to be a more than worthy opponent for him.

The resulting match was a slick mix of meaty wrestling and high-flying antics. Both wrestlers were in immaculate shape and by all accounts, the chemistry was excellent. So why stop there? Edge was undergoing push-paradise and Booker T, still relatively fresh in WWE, was providing high standards at every opportunity. This match proved what they were capable of, but castrated the chance for them to go any further with it. It was a short filler placed in the more placid portion of the WrestleMania match card, seemingly for a comedic pop.

Still, they worked with what they had.

In a parallel universe, Edge versus Booker T was a mind-blowing 30-minute main-eventer. In our reality however, we only got a small taste of it. It was good while it lasted.

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Writer, proud father and also chimp. Plus I talk music at Everythingisnoise.net