Edge: Ranking Every WWE WrestleMania Match Ranked Worst To Best

7. Edge VS Alberto Del Rio - World Title (WrestleMania 27) 

Edge 2010 Royal Rumble

WrestleMania 27 ended as a bit of a strange and turbulent show for a number of different reasons, but at least it kicked off with a bang. Edge was set to defend the World HeavyWeight Title against Alberto Del Rio, and the match itself was a well put-together all-rounder.

Putting aside Michael Cole's heel commentary, which has in no shape or form stood the test of time, everything fit nicely, serving up a worthy piece for the Show of Shows when many argued that the Cena/Miz main event did anything but. In full-on babyface mode, Edge successfully defended his championship in honourable fashion. And his old pal, Christian, was on hand to stop Del Rio's muscle, Brodius Clay, from ruining the proceedings.

On watching it back, the added fact that this was Edge's final match, supposedly forever, adds some real poignancy. As he and Christian wrecked the sh*t out of Del Rio's fancy car, just like the old days, it was as though Edge's 12 year stint at WWE had gone full-circle. There was a kind of inadvertent poetry to it, and that makes it very nice to watch.

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Writer, proud father and also chimp. Plus I talk music at Everythingisnoise.net