Every 1-Time WWE Champion Ranked From Worst To Best

9. Andre The Giant

Eddie Guerrero

The wrestling world came to a standstill when, at February 1988's The Main Event, Andre The Giant "pinned" Hulk Hogan to end his four year reign as WWF Champion. However, things were not as they seemed.

The Hulkster's shoulders were only on the mat for a two count, but through a combination of bribery, evil twins, and plastic surgery, the crooked referee counted to three and awarded Andre the title. The Giant would reign with the championship for only two minutes, as he promptly sold the championship to Ted DiBiase in a move that would set in motion the events of WrestleMania IV.

Andre's minuscule reign not only ended one of the grandest title runs of all time and set up an entire WrestleMania, but it took place on the most viewed wrestling show of all time with 33 million people tuning in to witness the swap.

The length of a title reign is usually important, but in the case of this one two minutes was enough to cram in years worth of history. For a man whose size brought him fame and fortune, it's ironic that, when it comes to his WWF Championship run, size really didn't matter.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.