Every 1-Time WWE Champion Ranked From Worst To Best

16. Jinder Mahal

Eddie Guerrero

Another popular contender for worst of all time, Jinder's time with the championship was at least eventful.

He beat Randy Orton for the title, brought back the Punjabi Prison match, handed Shinsuke Nakamura his first main roster loss, and became the first man in history to lose the WWE Championship outside of North America. How's that for a resume?

In reality though, Mahal's 170 days as WWE Champion were a total flop. The company's attempt to turn a jobber into a main eventer to capture the Indian market were resoundingly rejected by a large portion of its fanbase and were not helped by the fact that Jinder couldn't really work, delivering the same formulaic matches over and over again.

Mahal is this high up the list because of the impressive length of his title reign and the fact that so much happened during it, but the sheer relief felt when AJ Styles ended his reign proved just how much fans hated the Jinder experiment.

However, spare some sympathy for The Maharaja, who did at least try and present himself like a star even if the company repeatedly gave him nothing to work with.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.