Every Champion In WWE (And Who Should Beat Them)

2. Universal Title

Roman Reigns

Champion: Roman Reigns

Who Should Beat Him: Big E

When he dispenses with the hip gyrations, doesn't throw pancakes around and stares down the camera lens with serious passion, Big E looks every bit like a World Champion in the making. He's one hell of a promo, and he feels fresh as a singles after five-six solid years in New Day. Is it only a matter of time for E?

Here's hoping.

Booking a babyface 'Fiend' win for Bray Wyatt over Roman Reigns is too obvious, and nobody wants to revisit Braun Strowman as SmackDown's leading man. No, WWE must give someone new a chance. It's the only way they'll create bonafide new stars.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.