Every John Cena WWE US Open Challenge - Ranked

3. Neville

Neville was already on the main roster when he accepted John Cena's Open Challenge, but this match was yet another example of the United States Champion helping to put NXT Superstars over. This back and fore match gave Neville plenty of time to show off his unique moveset, and Cena looked completely outmatched against this former NXT Champion. From day one fans have been worried about how well Neville would fare on the main roster (it's still too early to say at this point), but this match surely showed the decision makers backstage that he has what it takes to play a role in the main event scene. Despite being a fairly small guy by WWE standards - if they don't look like Roman Reigns, Vince McMahon ain't interested I guess - Neville also got to show off some real power and seemed to have the match won when he hit the Red Arrow. The referee would sadly never get to three thanks to interference from Rusev however. Like some of the other matches here, the fact that Cena had an upcoming title defence at a PPV robbed this of some drama, but that ultimately makes it no less amazing. The fact that Neville came so close to winning also helped to get him over in the eyes of casual fans unfamiliar with his work in NXT which was a definite bonus.

Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.