Every Post-Return Edge WWE Match Ranked Worst To Best

4. Randy Orton - Last Man Standing Match (WrestleMania 36)

Edge Royal Rumble

As the first time we'd seen Edge wrestle in a singles bout for nine years, it's safe to say this one was historic. But, it's unfortunate that it had to suffer from some easily avoidable issues that turned it into a somewhat disappointing start to this new stage of Edge's career.

Let's talk about the positives first. Seeing Edge go right into a match as extreme as this, filled with big spots including tables, dives and weapons, was as exhilarating as it was terrifying, which Edge and Orton played to. The bout was full of tension thanks to Edge's convincing selling and Orton's vicious attacks.

Plus, the storytelling between the two was electric, as the narrative of Orton genuinely trying to end Edge's career and the Rated R Superstar fighting back against his former partner was easy to get invested in.

Sadly, one major con ruined almost the entire match, and that was the length. As a whopping 36 minutes and 35 seconds, this bout became the second-longest after the hour-long classic Iron Man match between Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels.

This really was problematic, as it caused the match to feel bloated and superfluous, which sucked away at the excitement and thrill of the spectacle.

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