Every Post-Return Edge WWE Match Ranked Worst To Best

3. Randy Orton - The Greatest Wrestling Match Ever (Backlash 2020)

Edge Royal Rumble

Dubbing any match the "Greatest Wrestling Match Ever" is an atrocious advertisement concept from WWE, especially since it was Edge's first time performing in a singles pay-per-view match with no stipulations. While it seemed this bout was doomed from the start thanks to the build-up, it ended up being far closer to its moniker than expected.

The match may not have lived up to its billing, but Edge/Orton pulled out all the stops to get it as close as possible. These two have so much chemistry and story thanks to their past, and their in-ring work matched this. Not only was the storytelling solid, but both performers busted out their utmost speed, precision and ingenuity.

We saw the stars explode at each other with swapped finishers and even some massive borrowed moves like a Pedigree from Orton and a Rock Bottom from Edge. This made the one-on-one encounter feel huge, despite the small arena and lack of fanfare.

Plus, the addition of crowd noises had a massive impact on the showdown. It's safe to say that having a live crowd would have brought even more energy to this fantastic encounter. Still, it has a perfect place in the crowd-less pocket of pandemic era WWE.

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