Every SummerSlam Women's Match Ranked - From Worst To Best
2. Brie Bella Vs. Stephanie McMahon - 2014
Yes, I genuinely think this is the second best women's match to ever take place at SummerSlam. Paige and AJ Lee went one-on-one earlier in the night, two superior workers I'm sure all will agree, but the match was plagued by confusion and a story that blurred too many alignment lines for people to really get behind it.
Brie Bella and Stephanie McMahon had the opposite, a match between two less-than-stellar wrestlers but one that had such a clear story to tell. There was an obvious heel, an obvious face and an obvious conclusion, but the fact that the whole thing played out practically to perfection means this was way better than it really had any right to be.
Considering the fact she hadn't wrestled for a decade, Steph put in a good performance here. Her mocking of Daniel Bryan's mannerisms and adopting of her husband's own showed her understanding of the heel role, something that she does play well. She managed to get a crowd behind Brie Bella, so that must be worth something.
If you have bad memories of this match I'd suggest going back and watching it again, as it is much better than you remember.