Every The Fiend WWE Pay Per View Match Ranked Worst To Best

5. Seth Rollins (Crown Jewel 2019)

The Fiend

After the Hell In A Cell thing, one can consider this a sequel match of sorts, though it might be better considered as the reset fans cried out for.

As this round was pretty much street fight-based, Rollins and Wyatt had the chance to flex their flair for creative carnage, and overall, did a pretty nice job. It wasn't long before they left the ring and put each other through all manner of noisy pain, whilst taking some great bumps long the way.

Perhaps both athletes had gone into this event with the intention of making up for past misgivings, and if that was the case, it showed. They ensured that their feud could not, and would not, go any further than this, and few could deny that it was the correct attitude to adopt.

The match concluded shortly after The Fiend rose from his tumble into a sparkling PA/lighting rig. Wyatt’s acting skills really plugged the victory. A monster was reborn. It was now just a case of smoothing the rough edges.

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The Fiend
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Writer, proud father and also chimp. Plus I talk music at Everythingisnoise.net