Every WWE Casket Match Ranked From Worst To Best

2. The Undertaker Vs. Yokozuna – Survivor Series 1994

The Undertaker in bed
WWE Network

While Yokozuna and The Undertaker put on a memorable bout at the 1994 Royal Rumble, their rematch at Survivor Series was superior. Not only was The Undertaker fresh off an incredible return, he was beginning to showcase his athleticism in ways we had never seen before. This made for a much quicker-paced outing than their previous clash.

Even though Yokozuna sold his fear of the casket well this time around, that didn’t stop him giving The Undertaker the best he had to offer. The result was a back-and-forth fight with real stakes as Yokozuna fought for his survival against a revenge-driven Undertaker. But the best thing about this match was the storytelling. In order to stop a repeat of the Royal Rumble interference, Chuck Norris was placed at ringside as a special enforcer. This added another layer of mystique to the situation and created some real drama, especially when Jeff Jarrett and IRS interfered.

With plenty of action, a lot of gimmicky moments and a completely invested audience, this was everything we could have hoped for from a ‘90s Casket Match. Furthermore, it put over 'Taker’s return while allowing Yokozuna to surprise everyone as he went down swinging.


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.