Every WWE Champion From The '90s Ranked Worst To Best

4. Shawn Michaels

Stone Cold Steve Austin Shawn Michaels

Number of Reigns: 3

Total Length: 396 Days

In 1996, Shawn Michaels achieved his boyhood dream, and defeated Bret Hart at WrestleMania to become champion. From there until Survivor Series, he performed consistently great defenses, bringing out the best in his opponents from Diesel to Mankind to Bulldog. He would lose the title to Sid at Survivor Series, but he gained it back at the Royal Rumble. Unfortunately, Shawn, not wanting to lose to Bret at WrestleMania, exaggerated a knee injury, “lost his smile,” and vacated the title. He then won at Survivor Series 1997 via the Montreal Screwjob, and would hold the title until WrestleMania XIV, which saw Steve Austin take the spot of top guy.

The problem with Shawn Michaels’ championship reigns are the legacies they left behind. His first reign is marked by WCW’s domination of WWE thanks to the nWo angle. His second reign is known for the “lost my smile” promo. And his third reign, aside from the shadow of Montreal, was marred by Atttidue-era nonsense booking full of screwy finishes and interference. Really, it was a transitional reign before Stone Cold’s inevitable ascension to face of the company.

Still, in-ring-wise, it’s hard to fault HBK’s initial run with the title, as every performance he turned in justified Vince’s faith in him as the new leader of the New Generation. It may not have ended ideally for Shawn, but in heat of the '90s, it was hard to deny he was a great champion.


A mystery wrapped in an enigma wrapped in bacon wrapped in wrestling listicles wrapped in tin foil wrapped in seaweed wrapped in gak.