Every WWE Champion From The '90s Ranked Worst To Best

2. Bret Hart

Stone Cold Steve Austin Shawn Michaels

Number of Reigns: 5

Total Length: 654 Days

Throughout the 90s, even when it felt like everything else was falling apart, WWE could always count on Bret Hart to steady the ship. This is reflected by his five different reigns throughout the decade, First winning it in 1992 from Ric Flair, the Hitman exemplified the WWF’s new, non-big and sweaty direction, showing off his workmanship and dedication by becoming the fightingest champion in such a short period. After that, whenever WWE needed someone as a reliable workman after one of their pet projects, Bret was there. Consistently, he put on excellent matches as champion, and while the mid-'90s wasn’t a great period business-wise or creatively for the WWF, they could always count on Bret Hart to make it a product worth watching.

Really, the business woes of most of the decade are the only factor that stymie Bret as a champion, but when his contributions are considered, they greatly outclass whatever struggles WWE were going through at the time. Simply put: there’s a reason Bret calls himself the best there is, was, and ever will be.


A mystery wrapped in an enigma wrapped in bacon wrapped in wrestling listicles wrapped in tin foil wrapped in seaweed wrapped in gak.