Every WWE Last Man Standing Match Ranked - From Worst To Best

11. Triple H Vs. Ric Flair - Survivor Series 2005

John Cena Backlash 2009

Try telling that to these two, though…

When Triple H and Ric Flair met in Last Man Standing action at the 2005 Survivor Series, you just knew this was going to be a bloodbath.

Even the build to this one had seen more bloodshed than most matches ever would. Flair managed to bust himself open during a promo during the build on Raw, for goodness sake.

In some ways, this seemed like an excuse to prove that Flair could indeed still deliver the goods. Despite the amount of claret he lost, I’d say he proved that emphatically, delivering a dramatic 27-minute match at the ripe old age of 56.

We saw brawling in the crowd, a screwdriver to the head, a back body drop through the announce table and, ultimately, The Cerebral Assassin's patented sledgehammer in one of the most overtly brutal renditions of the stipulation.

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John Cena
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