Every WWE PPV Of 2016 Ranked From Worst To Best

10. Hell In A Cell

John Cena Rock

Hell in a Cell featured some good matches, even some that could be called great, but the show as a whole was indicative of WWE’s most glaring problems. Namely, Hell In A Cell was a show about brand names, stipulation matches, breaking records, and ‘Making History’, all at the expense of coherent storytelling.

Three Hell in a Cell matches took place, when only Charlotte and Sasha were embroiled in a feud that warranted such an extreme bout. Roman vs Rusev was a decent match, and Seth vs Owens was arguably the match of the show, but neither felt that they benefited from, or ‘deserved’ to be competing in the Cell. While Sasha and Charlotte put on a highly entertaining if highly uncomfortable Hell In A Cell main event, its build was plagued by incoherent storytelling, shouty Mick Foley promos, and an overwhelming feeling that ‘history’ wasn’t being made, it was being repeated: Charlotte wins on PPV, Sasha wins back on RAW, and lather rinse repeat.

Throw in a heelish DQ win from babyface New Day, a dead-on-arrival Cruiserweight title match, and the slog that was Bayley vs Dana Brooke, and you have a PPV that was fine in isolation, but particularly poor in the wider context of 2016.


Liam is a writer and cranberry juice drinker from Lincolnshire. When he's not wearing his eyes away in front of a computer, he plays the melodica for a semi wrestling-themed folk-punk band called School Trips.