Exact Reasons These 10 Wrestlers Have Failed In WWE

1. Cesaro

cesaro brass ring

Reason: Those damn brass rings.

Years ago, fans looked forward to the days when Cesaro's in-ring acumen would force WWE to push him into main events. Those days have never really come. Instead, Cesaro has been regularly positioned as a tag-team guy and the kind of worker who's reliable enough to have good matches without shining as the star of the piece himself.

Perhaps that shouldn't be shocking considering his own boss once buried him on Steve Austin's WWE Network podcast by saying there was something missing from the Swiss star's arsenal. Those pesky brass rings, imaginary though they are, have held Cesaro back ever since.

He's a workhorse who's there to make others look good. That's it.

It was ill-advised at the time for McMahon to publicly trash someone fans had already grown to greatly respect. Now, more than five years on from his comments, Vince still hasn't taken a chance on Cesaro as a singles force.


For more wrestling content, check out 10 WWE Stars Fans Refused To Give Up On and 7 Times Vince McMahon Thought WWE's Royal Rumble Sucked!


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.