Fantasy Booking AEW's First 10 Trios Champions

7. Gunn Club

Death Triangle

Eddie Kingston's Family, like in their first reign, would dominate All Elite's trios division, running through each and every team who stands in their way. Jurassic Express would come the closest to ending the second reign of Kingston and The Butcher, and The Blade, continuing the story that stems from the beginning of the Family's second run.

The trio who officially takes the titles from them, however, would be Gunn Club - Billy, Austin, and Colten.

Billy and Austin were already an established tandem in AEW as it was, with Billy's other son Colten only recently being introduced on an episode of Dark. From what we've seen of him thus far, he's fine. Nothing too flashy quite yet, but there's progress to be made for the Hall of Famer's son.

Unquestionably, 'The Bad Ass' must be nearing retirement within the next few years, and so one final title reign might not be a bad thing for the, as of writing, 57-year-old. There's no way he should be pinning Eddie Kingston, though, for obvious reasons. Instead, a pin for either of the Gunn sons over The Butcher or The Blade would suffice to give them both a championship win.


Can be found raving about the latest IMPACT Wrestling signing, the Saints Row franchise, and King Shark in The Suicide Squad.