GFW: 6 Sides Of Impact (20/07/2017)

5. Six Man Summit

El Patron LAX

After the over-booked craziness of the Knockouts segment, GFW followed up with an enjoyable six-man tag and a welcome return to what they do best - wrestling.

Pitting the team of Laredo Kid, Garza Jr, and Octagoncito against Demus, Idris Abraham, and Trevor Lee, the match had a definite international flavour to it, made all the more overt by being held under “Six-Man Lucha Libre Rules”.

From springboard dropkicks and suicide planchas to enough head scissors and hurricanranas to make you dizzy just watching, the action was unrelenting from start to finish. Mixed with some well-placed comedy - including a fun, leg-split spot involving all six men and Trevor Lee wearing the X Division title for the entire match - the bout itself was a lighthearted diversion from the meatier storylines on the card.

If there was one criticism of the match, it was that it contained so much high-flying that it almost desensitised the audience to the term “high risk”; however, that didn’t stop the biggest high spots from receiving a good reaction from the crowd.

Laredo Kid’s colossal moonsault to the outside was poetry in motion, while the monstrous, match-winning splash from Octagoncita was simply monumental. Jumping off Garza Jr’s shoulder while Garza himself was sat atop turnbuckle, the drop was easily ten feet in the air and the impact must have been felt all the way back in AAA HQ in Mexico City.


Occasional wrestler, full-time gym rat and lifelong lover of the grapple game. Would probably buy you a shot of Jack at the bar in exchange for witty banter...and preferably more Jack. @MartynGrant88 for more wrestling-related musings and weight room wisecracks!