Goldberg's 10 Best Moments Ever
10. The Debut
Goldberg wasn’t given much on his debut. There were no vignettes preceding his arrival, there wasn’t any security guards to accompany him, and there was no pyro. He was just a dude in black trunks, who kind of looked like Steve Austin, walking out to fight lowly mid-carder Hugh Morrus.
The announcers didn’t care much about the match; they were more interested in hyping an appearance of the nWo and Hulk Hogan later in the night.
A few minutes into the match, Morrus hit his No Laughing Matter moonsault and the fans and announcers assumed that was it for the newcomer. But surprisingly, Goldberg kicked out. It wasn’t like kicking out of the stunner or anything, but it was still something to take note of. After no-selling a Morrus elbow shot, Goldberg performed a backflip out of nowhere and then hit his Jackhammer (no spear to set it up) for the victory. The announcers finally took notice, and it was cool to see the fans react to the finish.
A star wasn’t exactly born that night, but it was a solid debut that set the tone for things to come over the following months.