Goldberg's 9 WWE Losses - From Cleanest To Screwiest
1. SummerSlam 2003 (World Heavyweight Title Elimination Chamber Match)

It was going so well.
And that's the point, marks. You little marks who don't understand the business. The babyfaces are meant to face a little something called "adversity".
Ever heard of it?
You see, in this very ring, the babyface is meant to look awesome, and then lose unfairly when the numbers game gets the better of 'im. Little something we call "heat" in this business. Spend a little time away from the keyboard and actually spend a day in the industry, and you might get it.
That way, when we do something called the return match, the fans will want to see the babyface prevail all the more.
Goldberg kicked ass when he was let loose in the SummerSlam Elimination Chamber match. Treating top, top names like absolute WCW jabrons, it felt like the most committed WWE push in years. He smashed Chris Jericho through the pod, when that spot was still novel, and didn't even wait for the only man left, Triple H, to emerge from his. He broke into it and smashed him stupid. It was awesome.
And then Ric Flair snuck a sledgehammer through the cage and Triple H won lol.
The problem is that the return match was a Triple H match in 2003, and thus really boring, and nobody got any catharsis out of it.
Cleanliness rating: 0%