Jey Uso Shoots On WWE's Creative Freedom

How much leeway do Jey and Roman Reigns have?

Roman Reigns Jey Uso

Jey Uso's ongoing family drama with Roman Reigns is one of the best wrestling storylines of 2020. It's compelling, it's believable and it has raised a tag-team sibling to new heights. This has been a breakout program for Jey - one his brother Jimmy should benefit from in the long run too.

The feud also offers something else: WWE freedom.

Jey told The Gorilla Position podcast that both he and Reigns have been given significant freedom to script most of their material on SmackDown. He's thankful of that, but pointed out that "they (WWE creative) can’t write our promos"; Uso added that nobody else could "write how he feels about me, and how I feel about him".


He's enjoying this leeway and the chance to express himself.

Uso is grateful that WWE trust him this much too. He's taking that as a compliment, and believes there's a "take the chains off him" attitude behind the scenes. It's working, because both men are smashing it on the mic.


Their story took another turn on the latest SmackDown. Jey has seemingly joined forces with the 'Tribal Chief'.

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Jey Uso
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