John Cena: 5 Awesome Matches And 5 That Sucked

1. John Cena Vs Triple H, WWE Title Match - (WrestleMania 22) At Wrestlemania 21, Triple H made a star out of Batista. A year later and WWE were looking at giving John Cena the same rub, Hunter was booked to put Cena over big at Mania 22. The problem was that on the night, neither man really clicked. The chemistry was non-existent, the importance of the bout and the engagement of entertainment failed to connect with the audience. Perhaps it was the fact that Cena was the reigning Champion, meaning it was more about what he could lose as opposed to what he could win. Or maybe it was the fact that Cena won by submission - whatever it was, this was a boring encounter that was instantly forgettable. The wrestling style of Hunter and Cena are ultimately not compatible. Regarding the match, Triple H would later admit it sucked, and laid the blame at Cena's door. He did however go on to state that it's testament to Cena that he learned from the match and went on to significantly improve his ring work. Overall, I have to rate Cena as a good worker. In researching this piece there were far more good matches than bad to pick from. You might argue it was down to the calibre of Cena's opponents, and it's true, guys like Punk, Michaels and Edge are easy to have great matches with. However, could anyone but Cena really generate the emotional reaction he does? Take away Cena from Punk's Chicago title win or Van Dam's title win and you are left with a standard title transition. John Cena brings an importance and emotion to the ring that very few talents manage to muster - love him or loath him he is going down in WWE history as an all time great.
WWE Writer

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