John Cena: 5 Awesome Matches And 5 That Sucked

And 5 That Sucked...

5. John Cena Vs The Miz, WWE Title Match - (WrestleMania 27) One of the biggest travesties in WWE history, CM Punk was so disgusted that the talent-less Miz closed Wrestlemania's main event (with a win over Cena no less) that Punk decided he would quit the company. The poor quality of this match has to be blamed on the booking team. What on earth went through their heads? Miz was a poor wrestler who fans didn't care about. Cena was going into a lame bout, there was nothing he could do to get this match over. The action was terribly mistimed and poorly thought out, to the point that some speculate Cena was legitimately dealing with a concussion from early in the contest. With Cena off his game, there was little that the rookie Miz could do to save the match. They stank the building out and the only (sort of) positive was that this match helped set up the lucrative Rock vs Cena Wrestlemania series. Perhaps this was an angle all along. Cena returned to greatness shortly after but The Miz has never recovered. This sucked and then sucked some more.
WWE Writer

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