Kane: 5 Awesome Matches And 5 That Sucked

3. Kane vs The Undertaker - Night Of Champions 2010

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rsDYWnW3oGY Kane and the Undertaker have had some legendary matches, including one later on this list. But this match was a unique one. Going into it, Kane was being booked as a very strong World Heavyweight Champion. Having won the title at Money in the Bank three months prior, his reign as the champion was impressive. It seemed as though the company was finally ready to give Kane a lengthy run with the belt, something he deserved long ago. It felt like Kane was now being pushed as the stronger brother, similar to how he was in their first encounter. The Undertaker looked like he had an advantage, though, with his mind set on vengeance for Kane putting him into a vegetative state. He wanted to finally end his deranged brother and take the World Heavyweight Championship from him. It was set for Night of Champions, a no holds barred match. The match is excellent, and the two don't seem like they ever missed a beat. Their in-ring chemistry has always been phenomenal, and adding the stipulation just gave it an extra bit of excitement. Undertaker has a breathtaking dive spot over the dividing wall, as well. It may not be the best match these two ever had, but it's worth your time just to see two of the most gifted big men ever go at it.

Writer, game developer, intersectional feminist.