Kane: 5 Awesome Matches And 5 That Sucked

2. Kane vs Shane McMahon - Unforgiven 2003

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q5wjBEG1ey8 Some men just click in the ring, and deliver every time. Michaels and Hart, Austin and Rock, Steamboat and Savage, you name it. And whenever Kane and Shane McMahon hooked up in the ring, you knew it was going to be good. Sparked over Kane's descent into madness, Shane vowed revenge on the Big Red Machine when he gave Linda McMahon a tombstone pile driver. Kane was unhinged, a part that Jacobs plays very well. He was tearing through the WWE, having also previously set Hall of Fame announcer Jim Ross on fire. He had to be stopped. The two met at Unforgiven 2003, and engaged in a savage last man standing match. They were smart, using almost the entire arena to tell their story. Shane's trademark daredevil style was a perfect counterpoint to Kane's barbaric onslaught. Shane even busted out the coast to coast maneuver, ramming the steel ring steps into Kane's face. The crowd never left them, and they had them completely hooked. Like any great last man standing match, it has to escalate and become even more insane. You save your biggest spot until the end, and these two certainly saved the best for last. The final moments of the match are frightening, and Shane's commitment to duty is admirable. Shane crashes and burns, but it truly made the match.

Writer, game developer, intersectional feminist.