Kane At 20: The Big Red Machine's 20 Lamest WWE Moments

2. Impregnating Lita

Kane Lita wedding

Kane's obsession with Lita in 2004 yielded one or two cool moments - his gate-crashing her wedding to Edge by emerging from the ring canvas, for example - but it was, by and large, weird and uncomfortable.

Mostly, this was because of the frequent backstage segments which saw Kane towering over a visibly frightened Lita and appearing to try and coerce her into bed. Since she then fell pregnant, the storyline went to a place none of us were really prepared for (and one that today's product almost certainly wouldn't go).

And granted: Snitsky got himself a catchphrase out of it - but, all said, there were probably better things for the two monsters to fall out over - such as, for instance, which one of them has a more menacing face.

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