Kane At 20: The Big Red Machine's 20 Lamest WWE Moments

17. Teaming With Boogeyman

In kayfabe terms, Boogeyman probably does make for a more natural partner to the 'Big Red Machine' than Rob Van Dam or The Hurricane or Daniel Bryan - but, in reality, they were worlds apart in terms of wrestling ability (and, more to the point, credibility).

They were only partners a few times in their mutual quest to scare the crap out of William Regal and Dave Taylor, to be fair, although you wonder whether Kane really should have required any extra help to beat a pair of middle-aged Brits.

Having just jobbed to Khali at WrestleMania 23, this probably wasn't what Kane needed to get his career back on track, and sure enough he ended up enduring yet another tough year on SmackDown.

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