Kane At 20: The Big Red Machine's 20 Lamest WWE Moments

16. Becoming Stephanie's Lapdog

Kane Lita wedding

Corporate Kane was a character shift not many fans could have predicted back when WWE's resident masked monster was bulldozing his way through half the roster. And that only made the moment he signed up for a place in The Authority's pocket all the more heart-breaking.

It was everything the 'Big Red Machine' was originally supposed to be against, and worse yet it didn't come off the back of a beatdown from Triple H and his cronies. Instead, he simply gave his mask (along with his manhood) to Stephanie McMahon and slowly walked behind the curtain with his head slumped between his shoulders.

Perhaps Seth Rollins needed some extra protection, but all the same, Kane's Corporate days probably won't be appearing on any best of compilations.

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