Kane At 20: The Big Red Machine's 20 Lamest WWE Moments

15. Doing A Kanearoonie

Kane Lita wedding

How did Kane, in the space of four years, go from making the hairs on the backs of our necks stand up after standing eye-to-eye with the 'Deadman' at Badd Blood to doing a Spinaroonie?

After coming to the ring to rescue his fellow Americans from an attack (because monsters are famously nothing if not patriotic) the 'Big Red Machine' took hold of the microphone and told Booker T that his moves had nothing on the "Kanearoonie".

And, with that, Kane dropped to his knees and swiveled round on his head as Jerry Lawler cackled into his microphone. That's not how most want to remember him, but you have to admit: it was hilarious. It was also lame, though, because it was that moment that saw him acquire a taste for comedy.

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