Kane At 20: The Big Red Machine's 20 Lamest WWE Moments

14. Kissing Terri Runnels

As a nine-time tag team champion, Kane has had his fair share of partners, and perhaps none of them were worse than The Hurricane, with whom he formed a crime-solving comedy duo in 2002. To be fair, it was occasionally quite funny (and led to one of the all-time great TLC matches).

But Kane, once again, couldn't resist the urge to force himself on a member of the female locker room, this time unassuming interviewer Terri Runnels, who never showed much interest in reciprocating the 'Big Red Machine's advances.

It's just make-believe, of course, but it's at least a little concerning the WWE fans - and The Hurricane - enthusiastically cheered as Kane grabbed a woman one-eighth his size by the hair and planted her with a violent smooch.

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