Kane At 20: The Big Red Machine's 20 Lamest WWE Moments

12. Losing To His Doppelganger

Kane Lita wedding

Put 2017 Knox County mayor candidate Glenn Jacobs in the ring with 2017 The Club member Luke Gallows and you'd be justified in expecting a pretty even contest.

But go back a decade, when Kane was still a Monday Night Raw menace yet to fully recover from the shame of having to bear his face to the world, and Gallows was about to be cast in the role of Festus and this should be the most routine of squash matches... right?

Wrong - Impostor Kane actually beat the real thing at Vengeance 2006 only to be kicked out of the arena the following night on Raw and never spoken of again. It was inexplicably stupid, and didn't even provide the impetus for the 'Big Red Machine' to mask up again.

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