NWO, WCW And When Too Suhweet Became Sour

It Seemed Real

nwo The Monday Night Wars were at their apex when Scott Hall and Kevin Nash switched sides and made their way to Atlanta. The orthodox way of doing things would have been for Hall and Nash to be introduced to great fanfare and the like and given an interview with Mean Gene- the way that Hogan and Savage were. However when Scott Hall moseyed down the stairs of the run way, the WCW universe knew that this was anything but normal. When he spoke he didn't address the other wrestlers, nor did he address titles. Instead Hall referenced Ted Turner and the Monday Night Wars- implying that he was invading the other side's territory. This was reinforced when Kevin Nash spoke to Bischoff saying that Bischoff had been talking about a war between his show and the WWE's. While Nash may have got the category of word wrong when it came to 'play' in that famous promo (it is a verb, not an adjective...) there is no doubt the message was clear: Hall and Nash were there to run roughshod over the WCW promotion. When Hogan was added a little while later at bash at the beach and the New World Order was officially formed, the conflict still seemed like one that was only half fake- with people tuning in to WCW each week to see what would happen next.

Gamer, Pop Culture consumer and WWE watcher, Vectron44 has been described as a prophet of truth, a pain in the proverbial and everything in between. Approach with caution lest you get sucked into his world of geek.