One Iconic Moment For Every Year Of The Undertaker's WWE Career

3. 2018 - A Dream Match... Sort Of

The Undertaker Stephanie McMahon

John Cena was a little lost in 2018.

He really really wanted a match at WrestleMania 34 and since the whole "propose to my girlfriend thing" hadn't quite worked out the year before, he was exploring other avenues to get to the biggest show of the year.

He didn't win the Royal Rumble, nor the Elimination Chamber, nor the WWE Championship at Fastlane, which left only one option.

The Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal.

We're joking, although in hindsight this storyline kinda buried that match didn't it?

Instead, Cena began to call out The Undertaker, not convinced that he was actually done with wrestling. Despite not hearing from The Phenom, Cena was still hopeful and even sat at ringside for the first portion of the show.

Then it happened. Cena got word and rushed backstage. Moments later, he was out again,this time in his ring gear, waiting for The Deadman to arrive.

And arrive he did.

The Undertaker and his new hip made their way down to the ring. The bell rang and Undertaker rang rings around a flabbergasted Cena. He squashed him in under three minutes, proving to the world that he was back and better than ever.

Well, that last part wasn't quite true, but this moment was still fun.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.